- Multiscale modeling (algorithm and applications)
- Nonlinear mechanics of Nanomaterials and low-dimentional (2D) materials
- Radiation damage, mecahnics of nuclear materials
- Mechanics of Energetic materials
- Ferroelectrics
- Glass and amorphous materials.
- Polymer and biomaterials
- optics
Statistics: Total 286; H-index 42; H10: 156; total citations 7143; top citation 466.
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A: Journal Papers
(Subtotle: 278)
Mean Impact Factor: (IF) = 4.6
* 172 of them are first-author and/or corresponding-author papers.
H. Liu, M. Xiao, J. Hao, X. Ma, N. Jiang,
Q. Peng
C. Ye,
Micro-Defects-Related Low Cycle Fatigue Mechanical Model of the Nuclear-Grade S30408 Stainless Steel
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [ResearchGate]
Q. Peng
J. Li, X. Cai, G. Chen, Z. Huang, L. Zheng, H. Li, X. Chen, Z. Hu,
Atomistic Study on the Mechanical Properties of HOP¿Graphene Under Variable Strain, Temperature, and Defect Conditions
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [ResearchGate]
C. Ye, N. Jiang, J. Hao, X. Ma, H. Liu, J. Luo, P. Lei, F. Shi, Q. Li, Y. Hang, P. Qi,
Q. Peng
Correlation of mechanics degradation and thermal aging damage defects in Z3CN20.09M cast austenitic stainless steels
Journal of Nuclear Materials
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [ResearchGate]
X. Ji, P. Lei, J. Chen, J. Qiu,
Q. Peng,
Di Yun,
Synthesis and irradiation behavior of (Gd0.2Sm0.2Dy0.2Er0.2Yb0.2)2Ti2O7 high-entropy pyrochlore waste forms consolidated by spark plasma sintering
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [ResearchGate]
P. Wang, H. Ding,
Q. Peng*,
Nano gradient structuring at Ti-6Al-4V surface induced by ultrashort-pulse laser peening
Journal of Manufacturing Processes
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [ResearchGate]
Z. Ma, Y. Tan, X. Cai, X. Chen, T. Shi, J. Jin, Y. Ouyang,
Q. Peng*,
Assessment of Classical Force-Fields for Graphene Mechanics
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [ResearchGate]
P. Lei, N. Jiang, J. Hao,
Q. Peng*,
P. Qi, F. Shi, Y. Hang, Q. Li, C. Ye,
Effect of hydrogen ion irradiation on the mechanical properties of thermally aged Z3CN20.09M duplex stainless steel
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [ResearchGate]
Q. Peng*,
G. Chen, Z. Huang, Y. Zhang, X. Zhang, X. Chen, Z. Hu,
Mechanical Properties of TPDH-Graphene: Atomistic Aspect
Physica Scripta
99, 115996.
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [ResearchGate]
L. Li, H. Lan, S. Tang, H. Yan, F. Tan, S. van der Zwaag,
Q. Peng*,
Z. Liu, G. Wang,
First-Principles Study of Hydrogen Trapping and Diffusion Mechanisms in Vanadium Carbide with Connecting Carbon Vacancies
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [ResearchGate]
P. Lei, Q. Chang, M. Xiao, C. Ye, P. Qi, F. Shi, Y. Hang, Q. Li, and
Q. Peng*,
Microstructure Evolution of the Interface in SiCf/TiC-Ti3SiC2 Composite under Sequential Xe-He-H Ion Irradiation and Annealing Process
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [ResearchGate]
Q. Peng*,
Z. Huang, G. Chen, Y. Zhang, X. Cai, X. Chen, Z. Hu,
Coupled Effects of Temperature and Defects on the Mechanical Properties of 8-16-4 Graphyne: Atomistic Aspect
2024 IEEE International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale (3M-NANO)
Zhongshan, China, 232--235.
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [ResearchGate]
Q. Peng*,
G. Chen, Z. Huang, Y. Zhang, X. Cai, X. Chen, Z. Hu,
Anisotropic and temperature-dependent mechanical properties of TPDH-Graphene
2024 IEEE International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale (3M-NANO)
Zhongshan, China, 228--231.
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [ResearchGate]
Q. Peng*,
G. Chen, Z. Huang, X. Chen, A. Li, X. Cai, Y. Zhang, X. Chen, Z. Hu,
Molecular Dynamics Insights into Mechanical Stability, Elastic Properties, and Fracture Behavior of PHOTH-Graphene
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [ResearchGate]
J. Fan, L. Dong, C. Ma, Z. Zhang, H. Ming, B. Wei,
Q. Peng*,
Q. Wang, L. Wang,
Research progress on hydrogen assisted fatigue crack growth of hydrogen-doped pipeline steels
Journal of the Chinese Society of Corrosion and Protection
| [DOI:
| [ResearchGate]
S. Xiao, J. Hao, T. Shi, J. Jin, B. Wu,
Q. Peng*,
Effects of size and shape of hole defects on mechanical properties of biphenylene: a molecular dynamics study
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [ResearchGate]
J. Li, T. Shi, Y. Sun, X. Cai, R. Gao,
Q. Peng*,
P. Lu, C. Lu,
Description of Short-Range Interactions of Carbon-Based Materials with a Combined AIREBO and ZBL Potential
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [ResearchGate]
C. Liu, R. Gao, X. Xia, K. Yang, Y. Liu, P. Yang,
Q. Peng*,
F. Gao,
First-principles study of helium incorporation in Pu-La2Zr2O7 pyrochlore
Journal of the American Ceramic Society
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [ResearchGate]
C. Liu, R. Gao, Y. Xia, X. Xia, T. Shi,
Q. Peng,
F. Gao, Y Li,
A comparative first-principles study on the physical properties of Gd2Zr2O7 weberite and pyrochlore
Computational Materials Science
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [ResearchGate]
M. Han, T. Yu, Y. Zhang, X. Chen, X. Chen,
Q. Peng*,
H. Tang,
Molecular Dynamics Assessment of Mechanical Properties of Fullerphene and Fullerphene/Graphene Composite
Journal of Composites Science
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [ResearchGate]
J. Li, T. Shi, C. Zhang, P. Zhang, S. Ibrahim, Z. Sun, Y. Li, C. Tang,
Q. Peng*,
C. Lu,
A Comparative Study on Force-Fields for Interstitial Diffusion in alpha-Zr and Zr Alloys
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [ResearchGate]
L. Xie, G. Wu, X. Fu, X. Wang, C. Li,
Q. Peng,
W. Wang, Y. Zhang, Y. Huang,
Microstructure and hardness of CoNiCrFeTix high-entropy alloy coatings prepared by laser cladding: Combining experimental and molecular dynamics simulation
Materials Today Communications
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [ResearchGate]
Q. Chang,
Q. Peng*,
J. Hao, P. Qi, P. Lei, N. Jiang, C. Ye,
Damage microstructures in Ti3SiC2 under successive Xe-He-H ions irradiation and annealing process
Journal of Nuclear Materials
599, 155235
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [ResearchGate]
L. Liu, Y. Xu, J. Su, J. Wei, X. Liu,
Q. Peng*,
J. Chang, B. Teng,
Exploring microstructures of metal-doped oxides via simulated Raman spectrum
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy
320, 124616. DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2024.124616.
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [ResearchGate]
Z. Hu, Y. Chen, Z. Lai, Y. Zhang, Y. Yu, J. Jin,
Q. Peng*,
X. Xu,
AAC theory for ultrasonic vibration-assisted grinding
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
133, 1609. DOI: 10.1007/s00170-024-13795-2.
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [ResearchGate]
Z. Xu, X. Yang, Y. Wang, W. Tan,
Q. Peng,
Training and Application of MolBert, a Molecular Structure Understanding Enhancement Model
Computer Systems and Applications
accepted, .
| [ResearchGate]
T. Shi, W. Liu, C. Zhang, S. Lyu, Z. Sun,
Q. Peng,
Y. Li, F. Meng, C. Tang, C. Lu,
An investigation of self-interstitial diffusion in a-zirconium by an on-the-fly machine learning force field
AIP Advances
14, 055010.
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
L. Guo, R. Li,
Q. Peng*,
Atomistic insights into the irradiation resistance of Co-free high entropy alloy FeMnNiCr
Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letter)
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [ResearchGate]
S. A. Ibrahim, T. Shi, Z. Su, C. Liu,
Q. Peng,
C. Lu,
Influence of magnetic properties on elemental vacancy migration energy in Fe49.5Mn29.4Co10.1Cr10.1C0.9 high-entropy alloy
AIP Advances
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
J. Li, T. Shi, C. Lu,
Q. Peng*,
Electronic Signal for Mechanical Failure in Two-dimensional g-SiC
Semiconductor Science and Technology
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [ResearchGate]
S. Peng, K. Zhang, H. Wang, J. Zhou, X. Wang,
Q. Peng,
Q. Cao,
Femtosecond laser-induced ultrafast growth of volcanic-shaped graphene micropillars
Surfaces and Interfaces
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
C. Qi, Y. Zhou, X. Yuan,
Q. Peng*,
Y. Yang, Y. Li, X. Wen,
Machine Learning-Accelerated First-Principles Study of Atomic Configuration and Ionic Diffusion in Li10GeP2S12 Solid Electrolyte
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
Q. Peng*,
Z. Huang, G. Chen, Y. Zhang, X. Zhang, X. Chen, Z. Hu,
Effect of Strain Rate, Temperature, Vacancy, and Microcracks on Mechanical Properties of 8-16-4 Graphyne
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
Y. Ouyang, M. Xiong, K. Lin, Y. Zhou, H. Chen, X. Tao,
Q. Peng, Y. Du,
The effect of carbon vacancy on the properties of ZrC by MEAM potentials
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
P. Wang, X. Kong, F. Qi, J. Zhou, H. Ding,
Q. Peng,
Critical pulse in multi-shot femtosecond laser ablation on metallic surfaces
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
Y. Zhang, Z. Hu, Y. Chen, Y. Yu, J. Jin,
Q. Peng*,
X. Xu,
Insights into scratching force in axial ultrasonic vibration-assisted single grain scratching
Journal of Manufacturing Processes
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
| ( cQ1 )
Y. Liu, M. Wang, Q. Liu, J. Jin,
Q. Peng,
Y. Zong,
Microstructure evolution in 439 stainless steels under tensile: phase field simulation and experiment
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering,(2024),
32, 035004.
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
H. Pang, H. Yu, W. Li, L. Chen, P. Qiu,
Q. Peng,
X. Chen,
High-order phonon anharmonicity in Yb-filled skutterudites
Physical Review B,(2024),
109, 045201.
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
Q. Peng,
X. Ma, X. Yang, X. Yuan, X. Chen,
Thermoelectric properties of Mg3(Bi Sb)2 under finite temperatures and pressures: A first-principles study
14, 84.
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
H. Huang,
Q. Peng,
X. Tang,
Superior hydrogen permeation resistance via Ni_graphene nanocomposites: Insights from atomistic simulations
Journal of Materials Research and Technology,(2024),
28, 2086,
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
J. Li, M. Han, S. Zhao, T. Li, T. Yu, Y. Zhang, H. Tang,
Q. Peng*,
Mechanics and Crack Analysis of Irida Graphene Bilayer Composite: A Molecular Dynamics Study
Journal of Composite Science,(2023),
7, 490,
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
Q. Peng*,
X. Yuan, S. Zhao, X. Chen,
Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Mg3(Bi,Sb)2 Nanocomposites: A First-Principles Study
13, 2938,
| [DOI:
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
L. Xie, X. Cai, S. Zhao, Y. Ni, Y. Lan, H. Zhu, Y. Chen, J. Yang, F. Gao, Y. Wei, W. Wang,
Q. Peng*,
Review on the research progress of three-dimensional honeycomb carbon: properties and applications
SCIENTIA SINICA Physica, Mechanica & Astronomica,(2024),
54, 254607.
| [DOI:]
| [ online]
| [ResearchGate]
J. Yin, Y. Zhang, Y. You, Z. Wang, J. Zhao,
Q. Peng,
Theoretical Exploration of Properties of Iron-silicon Interface Constructed by Depositing Fe on Si(111)-(7×7)
| [DOI:]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
J. Shi, B. Li, L. Li, Y. Liu,
Q. Peng,
L. Liang, S. Jin, G. Lu,
Atomistic insights into the influence of hydrogen on crack propagation in tungsten
Fusion Engineering and Design,(2023),
| [DOI:]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
Y. Zhou, T. Shi, J. Li, L. Wu,
Q. Peng*,
C. Lu,
Element-dependent evolution of chemical short-range ordering tendency of NiCoFeCrMn under irradiation
International Journal of Plasticity,(2023),
| [DOI:]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
| ( cQ1 )
L. Xie, G. Wu, P. K. Liaw, W. Wang, D. Li,
Q. Peng*,
J. Zhang, Y. Zhang,
Temperature gradient enhances the solidification process and properties of a CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy: Atomic insights from molecular dynamics simulations
Computational Materials Science,(2024),
231, 112538,
| [DOI:]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
P. Wang,
Q. Peng,
M. Cai, J. Li, Z. Liu, G. Wang,
Unveiling of Incubation and Absorption-enhanced Effects Occurring during Multi-shot Femtosecond Laser Ablation of Aluminum and Steel Surfaces
35, 015401.
| [DOI:]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
L. Xie, G. Wu,
Q. Peng*,
Y. Zhang, J. Liu, D. Li, W. Wang,
An atomistic study on temperature and grain-size effects on mechanical properties of polycrystal CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloys
Materials Today Communications,(2023),
37, 107264.
| [DOI:]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
Q. Peng*,
X. Ma, X. Yang, S. Zhao, X. Yuan, X. Chen,
Assessing Effects of van der Waals Corrections on Elasticity of Mg3Bi2-xSbx in DFT Calculations
16, 6482.
| [DOI: ]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
S. Tang, L. Li, H. Yan, J. Jin,
Q. Peng*,
M. Cai, J. Li, Z. Liu, G. Wang,
Hydrogen trapping in vanadium carbide alloyed with transition metals
Nuclear Materials and Energy,(2023),
36, 101504.
| [DOI: ]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
| ( cQ1 )
C. Yang, B. Wu, W. Deng, S. Li, J. Jin,
Q. Peng*,
Assessment of the interatomic potentials of beryllium for mechanical properties
13, 1330.
| [DOI: ]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
Y. Tan, X. Tao, Y. Ouyang,
Q. Peng*,
Stable and 7.7 wt% hydrogen storage capacity of Ti decorated Irida- Graphene from first-principles calculations
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,(2024),
50, Part D, 738-748.
| [DOI: ]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
| [iMech news ]
| [news local pdf]
W. Wang, W. Ye, K. Huang, L. Xie,
Q. Peng,
F. Zhao, H. Li,
Impact-resistance mechanism of gradient ceramic/high entropy alloy composite structure
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures,(2024),
31, 6885.
| [DOI: ]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
T. Yu, J. Li, M. Han, Y. Zhang, H. Li,
Q. Peng*,
H. Tang,
Enhancing the Mechanical Stability of 2D Fullerene with a Graphene Substrate and Encapsulation
13, 1936.
| [DOI: ]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
J. Yin, S. Wang, D. Xu, Y. You, X. Liu,
Q. Peng,
Surface Modification of Fe5c2 by Binding Silica-Based Ligand: A Theoretical Explanation of Enhanced C2 Oxygenate Selectivity
Molecular Catalysis,(2023),
547 , 113333.
| [DOI: ]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
L. Xie, G. Wu,
Q. Peng,
W. Wang,
Molecular dynamics simulation on the dissolution and diffusion characteristics of FeCrAl alloy in liquid LBE
Annals of Nuclear Energy,(2023),
192 , 109983
| [DOI: ]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
| ( cQ1 )
X. Yuan, H. Huang; Y. Zhong, B. Cai, Z. Liu,
Q. Peng
The Primary Irradiation Damage of Hydrogen-Accumulated Nickel: An Atomistic Study
16, 4296
| [DOI: ]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
D. Seifu,
Q. Peng
K. Sze, J. Hou, F. Gao, Y. Lan,
Electromagnetic Radiation Effects on MgO-Based Magnetic Tunnel Junctions: A Review
28, 4151
| [DOI: ]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
Q. Peng
X. Yuan, S. Zhao, Y. Zhou, X. Wen, X. Chen,
Active-learning search for unitcell structures: a case study on Mg3Bi2-xSbx
Computational Materials Science,(2023),
226, 112260.
| [DOI: ]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
| [iMech news ]
R. Li, L. Guo Y. Liu, Q. Xu,
Q. Peng
Irradiation resistance of CoCrCuFeNi high entropy alloy under successive bombardment
Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters),(2023),
36, 1482-1492
| [DOI: ]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
Q. Peng,
Z. Ma, S. Cai, S. Zhao, X. Chen, Q. Cao,
Atomistic Insights on Surface Quality Control via Annealing Process in AlGaN Thin Film Growth
13, 1382.
| [DOI: ]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
R. Li, Y. Li, Y. Liu,
Q. Peng
The effect of grain boundary on irradiation resistance of CoCrCuFeNi high entropy alloy
Computational Materials Science,(2023),
225, 112185.
| [DOI: ]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
T. Yu, J. Li, Z. Yang, Z. Yang, H. Li,
Q. Peng
,H. Tang,
Effects of Crack Formation on the Mechanical Properties of Bilayer Graphene: A Comparative Analysis
13, 584.
| [DOI:]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
H. Pang, H. Yu, W. Li, L. Chen, P. Qiu,
Q. Peng
,X. Chen,
Topological states of thermoelectric Yb-filled skutterudites
Physical Review B,(2023),
107, 125202.
| [DOI:]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
H. Huang, L. Ma, T. Liu, H. Li,
Q. Peng
Atomistic simulations of defect clustering evolution in heavily irradiated Ti35 alloy
211, 111952
| [DOI:]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
P. Qi, H. Zhu, F. Borodich,
Q. Peng
A Review of the Mechanical Properties of Graphene Aerogel Materials: Experimental Measurements and Computer Simulations
16, 1800
| [DOI:]
| [ online]
| [open PDF]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
X. Yuan, Y. Zhou,
Q. Peng
Y. Yang, Y. Li, X. Wen,
Active learning to overcome exponential-wall problem for effective structure prediction of chemical-disordered materials
npj Computational Materials,(2023),
9, 12.
| [DOI:]
| [ online]
| [open PDF]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
| [CAS news]
| [iMech news ]
| ( IF=12.3 )
| ( cQ1 )
T. Shi, S. Lyu, Z. Su, Y. Wang, X. Qiu, D. Sun, Y. Xin, W. Li, J. Cao,
Q. Peng
Y. Li, C. Lu,
Spatial inhomogeneity of point defect properties in refractory multi-principal element alloy with short-range order: a first-principles study
Journal of Applied Physics,(2023),
133, 0128657
| [DOI:]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
H. Huang, Y. Zhong, B. Cai, J. Wang, Z. Liu,
Q. Peng
Size- and Temperature-Dependent Thermal Transport Across a Cu/Diamond Interface: Non-Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Surfaces and Interfaces,(2023),
37, 102736.
| [DOI:]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
G. Shen, L. Li, S. Tang, J. Jin, X. Chen,
Q. Peng
Stability and Elasticity of Quasi-Hexagonal Fullerene Monolayer from First-Principles Study,
13, 224
| [DOI:]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
H. Huang, X. Yuan, X. Ge,
Q. Peng,
Defective Graphene Effects on Primary Displacement Damage and He Diffusion at a Ni/Graphene Interface: Molecular Dynamics Simulations
13, 198
| [DOI:]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
T. Shi, X. Qiu, Y. Zhou, S. Lyu, J. Li, D. Sun,
Q. Peng
,Y. Xin, C. Lu,
Unconventional energetics of small vacancy clusters in BCC high-entropy alloy Nb0.75ZrTiV0.5
Journal of Materials Science & Technology,(2023),
146 , 61-71.
| [DOI:]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
| ( cQ1 )
M. Song, J. Jin, L. Wang, S. Li, H. Wang, S. Tang,
Q. Peng,
Interfacial characteristics of graphene-reinforced iron composites: a molecular dynamics study
13, 27.
| [DOI: ]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
C. Ye,
Q. Peng,
Mechanical Stabilities and Properties of Graphene-like 2D III-Nitrides: a review
13, 12.
| [DOI:]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
W. Geng, J. Lin, V. Wang, Q. Gu,
Q. Peng,
T. Ohno, J. Nara
Displacement Vorticity as Origin of Moiré Potentials in Twisted WSe2/MoSe2 Bilayers
| [DOI: 10.1016/j.matt.2022.11.014]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
| ( cQ1 )
S. Zhao, X. Zhang,
Y. Ni,
Q. Peng
Y. Wei,
Anisotropic mechanical response of a 2D covalently bound fullerene lattice
202, 118-124.
| [DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2022.11.005]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
R. Li, B. An, J. Liu,
Q. Peng,
Modulating directional movement of graphene nanoflake using a channel
| []
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
M. Wang, Y. Xu, J. Hu, F. Fang, J. Jin, T. Jia,
Q. Peng,
Phase Field Simulation on the Effect of Second-phase Particles on Abnormal Growth of Goss Grains in Fe-3%Si Steels
| [DOI: 10.3390/nano12234148]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
Q. Peng
S. Zhao, X. Yuan, X. Chen,
Elasticity of Mg3Bi2-xSbx
15, 7161.
| [DOI: 10.3390/ma15207161]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
Q. Peng
First-principles insights on the formation mechanism of in-nermost layers of solid electrolyte interphases on carbon anodes for lithium-ion batteries
12, 3654.
| [DOI: 10.3390/nano12203654]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
B. Zhang, R. Li,
Q. Peng
Controlling CNT-Based Nanorotors via Hydroxyl Groups
12, 3363.
| [DOI: 10.3390/nano12193363]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
M. Umar, C. C. Nnadiekwe, M. Haroon, I. Abdulazeez, K. Alhooshani, A. A. Al-Saadi,
Q. Peng
A First-Principles Study on the Multilayer Graphene Nanosheets Anode Performance for Boron-Ion Battery
12, 1280.
| [DOI: 10.3390/nano12081280]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
S. Tang, L. Li,
Q. Peng
H. Yan, M. Cai, J. Li, Z. Liu, G. Wang,
Correction: First-principles insights into the hydrogen trapping in interstitial-vacancy complexes in vanadium carbide
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,(2022),
24, 20400.
| [DOI: 10.1039/D2CP90165J]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
Y. Li, J. Du, P. Yu, R. Li, S. Shinzato,
Q. Peng
S. Ogata
Chemical Ordering Effect on the Radiation Resistance of a Conicrfemn High-Entropy Alloy
Computational Materials Science,(2022),
214, 111764.
| [DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2022.111764]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
S. Tang, L. Li,
Q. Peng
H. Yan, M. Cai, J. Li, Z. Liu, G. Wang,
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K. Lin, M. Zeng, H. Chen, X. Tao, Y. Ouyang,
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J. Liu, C. Wu, Y. Xie, X. Yan,
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C. Liu, T. Shi,
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H. Yu, L. Chen, H. Pang, P. Qiu,
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S. Tang, J. Liu, L. Li, X. Wen,
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Z. Dong, Y. Zhou, X. Chem, W. Li, Z. Luo, G. Zhong,
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C. Ye, Q. Chang, P. Lei, W. Dong,
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H. Pang, L. Chen, H. Yu, P. Qiu, G. Zhong,
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Z. Hu, Y. Chen, Z. Lai, Y. Yu, X. Xu,
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S. Tan, Z. Su, J. Li, C. Liu, J. Yang, X. He, D. Yun,
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Y. Jin, H. Huang, Y. Zhong, X. Yuan, H Li, D. Lou, K. Xie, Z. Liu, B. Cai,
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T. Wavrunek,
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X. Li,
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J. Cao, J. Jin, S. Li, M. Wang, S. Tang,
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H. Almousa,
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Y. Chen, Z. Hu, Y. Yu, Z. Lai, J. Zhu, X. Xu,
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H. Yan,
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Y. Liu,
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F. Gao,
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L. Qian, H. Bao,
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Z. Sun, J. Zhang, G. Xin, L. Xie, L. Yang
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Y.S. Wudil,
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I. Abdular,
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Y. Liu, K. Lu, X. Liu, J. Liu, W. Guo, W. Chen,
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I. Abdulazeez, B. Salhi, N. Baig
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C. Liu, Y. Lu,
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I. I. Alahmed, S. Altanany, I. Abdulazee, H. Shoaib, A. Alsayoud, A. Abbout,
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M. Younas, T.A. Kandiel, A. Rinaldi,
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H. Shoaib,
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P. Wang, Q. Cao, Y. Lan, H. Zhu, S. Liu,
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K. Lu, D. Luo, Y. He, C. Huo, Y. Zhou, W. Guo,
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X. Tao, H. Chen, Y. Zhou,
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T. Yang, Y. He, X. Liu, X. Liu,
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G. Yang, M. Xiong, Y. Zhou, X. Tao,
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R. Li, J. Liu, X. Zheng,
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Y. Lu,
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Q. Qin, X. Liu, H. Wang, T. Sun, F. Chu, L. Xie, P. Brault,
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C. He, G. Pan, L. Xie,
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P. Wang, Q. Cao, S. Liu,
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P. Wang, Q. Cao, S. Liu,
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C Nnadiekwe, I. Abdulazeez, M. Haroon
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Y. Chen, Z. Hu, J. Jin, L. Li, Y. Yu,
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Z. Sun, J. Zhang, H. Wang, G. Pan, X. Lu,
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Q. Peng
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Y. Bai, J. Liu, P. Ren, W. Guo, T. Wang, W. Chen, X. Liu,
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L. Wang, J. Jin, P. Yang, S. Li, S. Tang, Y. Zong,
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Z. Tian, H. Yan,
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H. Huang, X. Tang, K. Xie,
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P. Wang, Q. Cao, H. Wang, S. Liu, Y. Chen,
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J. Liu, T. Yang,
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Q. Peng
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Q. Peng
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L. Jiang,
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Y. Li, R. Li,
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L. Zhang, H. Chen, X. Tao, H. Cai, J. Liu, Y. Ouyang,
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H. Wan, X. Liu, M. Qing,
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H. Gong, Y. He, S. Liu, M. Qing,
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Q. Qin, T. Sun, H. Wang, P. Brault, H. An, X. Lu,
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Z. Su, S. Wang, C. Lu,
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H. Yu, G. Huang,
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Y. Yang, Q. Cao, Y. Gao, S. Lei, S. Liu,
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L. Xie, T. Sun, C. He, J. Deng, H. Yi, X. Yang, Q. Qin,
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N. Chen,
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M. Xing, A. D. Pathak, S. Sanyal,
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P. Wang, Q. Cao, H. Wang, Y. Nie, S. Liu,
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R. Wang, X. Tao, Y. Ouyang, H. Chen,
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M. Hu, G. Wang, G. Liu,
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Q. Cao, S. Zheng, C.P. Wong, S. Liu,
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T. Shi,
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| ( IF=6.970 )
Y. Li, R. Li,
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D. Gu, X. Tao, H. Chen, W. Zhu, Y. Ouyang, Y. Du,
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L. Wang, J. Jin, P. Yang, Y. Zong,
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C. Liu, Y. Li, T. Shi,
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"Oxygen defects stabilize the crystal structure of MgAl2O4 spinel under irradiation",
Journal of Nuclear Materials,(2019),
527, 151830.
| [DOI: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2019.151830 ]
| [ online ]
| [local PDF]
| [ ResearchGate ]
Q. Peng
N. Chen, Z. Jiao,
I. J. Van Rooyen, W. F. Skerjanc,F. Gao,
"Reveal the fast and charge-insensitive lattice diffusion of silver in cubic silicon carbide via first-principles calculations",
Computational Materials Science,(2019),
170, 109190.
| [DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2019.109190 ]
| [ online ]
| [local PDF]
| [ ResearchGate ]
M. P. Higgins,
Q. Peng,
L. Shao, F. Gao,
"Reduction of defect generation and development of sinks at nanocluster boundary in oxide dispersion-strengthened steel",
Journal of Applied Physics ,(2019),
| [DOI: 10.1063/1.5102090 ]
| [ online ]
| [local PDF]
| [ ResearchGate ]
P. He, Q. Cao, P. Wang, H. Wang, S. Zheng, S. Lei, S. Liu,
Q. Peng
"A Grain Boundary Regulates the Friction Behaviors between Graphene and a Gold Substrate",
| [DOI: 10.3390/cryst9080418 ]
| [ online ]
| [ ResearchGate ]
| [local PDF]
Z. Sun, B. Liu, C. He, L. Xie,
Q. Peng
"Shift of creep mechanism in Nanocrystalline NiAl alloy",
12, 2498.
| [DOI: 10.3390/ma12162508 ]
| [ online ]
| [ ResearchGate ]
| [local PDF]
J. Xue, Y. Xie,
Q. Peng,
Y. Chen,
"Thermal transports of one-dimensional ultrathin carbon structures",
30, 1218461.
| [DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/ab3ce7 ]
| [ online ]
| [local PDF]
| [ ResearchGate ]
L. Xie, T. Wang, C. He, Z. Sun,
Q. Peng
"Molecular dynamics simulation on mechanical and piezoelectric
properties of boron nitride honeycomb structures",
9, 1044.
| [DOI: 10.3390/nano9071044]
| [ online ]
| [local PDF]
| [ ResearchGate ]
C. Lu, T. Yang, K. Jin, G. Velisa, P. Xiu,
Q. Peng, F. Gao, Y. Zhang, H. Bei, W. J. Weber, L. Wang,
"Irradiation Effects of Medium-entropy Alloy NiCoCr with and without Pre-indentation",
Journal of Nuclear Materials,(2019),
| [DOI: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2019.06.020 ]
| [ online ]
| [ ResearchGate ]
| [local PDF]
Y.hen, S. Wang, L. Xie, P. Zhu, R. Li,
Q. Peng
"Grain Size and Hydroxyl-Coverage Dependent Tribology of Polycrystalline Graphene",
30, 385701.
| [DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/ab2a87]
| [ online ]
| [ResearchGate]
| [local PDF]
L. Chen,
Q. Peng,
H. Yu, H. Pang, B Jiang, L. Xu, X. Shi, L. Chen,
X. Chen,
"Lattice dynamics of thermoelectric palladium sulfide",
Journal of Alloys and Compounds,(2019),
798, 484--492.
| [DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.05.280]
| [ online ]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
Q. Peng
G. Wang, G.R.Liu, S.De,
"van der Waals Density Functional Theory vdW-DFq for Semihard Materials",
9(5), 243.
| [DOI: 10.3390/cryst9050243]
| [ online ]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate] := ("DFT+q" method)
| [ >>> Howto DFT+q] | in simple words, add the following parameters in INCAR with the vdw_kernel.bindat file (put it in the same directory with INCAR) :
PARAM1 = 0.1234
PARAM2 = 1.05
Zab_vdW = -1.8867
AGGAC = 0.0000
H. Huang, X. Tang, F. Gao, F. Chen, G. Ge, Y. Yan,
Q. Peng,
"Release of Helium-Related Clusters through a Nickel-Graphene Interface: An Atomistic Study",
Applied Surface Science,(2019),
487, 218--227.
| [DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2019.05.085]
| [ online ]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
| ( IF=6.707 )
L. Xie, T. Sun, C. He, H. An, Q. Qin,
Q. Peng*,
"Effect of angle, temperature and vacancy defects on mechanical properties of PSI-graphene
9(5), 238.
| [DOI: 10.3390/cryst9050238]
| [ online ]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
J. Hou, B. Deng, H. Zhu, Y. Lan, Y. Shi, S. De, Li Liu, P. Chakraborty, F. Gao,
Q. Peng*,
"Magic Auxeticity Angle of Graphene",
149, 350--354.
| [DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2019.04.057]
| [ online ]
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| [local PDF]
| ( IF=7.466 )
K. Lu, C. Huo, Y. He, W. Guo,
Q. Peng*,
Y. Yang, Y. Li, X. Wen,
"The structure-activity relationship of Fe nanoparticles for CO adsorption and dissociation by reactive molecular dynamics simulations",
Journal of Catalysis,(2019),
374, 150--160.
| [DOI: 10.1016/j.jcat.2019.04.010 ]
| [ online ]
| [ResearchGate]
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| ( IF=6.759 )
Y. Ouyang, H. Chen, Y. Cao, K. Liu, X. Tao, Y. Zhou, F. Gao, Y. Du,
Q. Peng*,
"Stability and physical properties tuning via interstitials chemical engineering of Zr5Sn3: a first-principles study",
Journal of Materials Science,(2019),
| [DOI: 10.1007/s10853-019-03622-5 ]
| [ online ]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
J. Liu, A. Xu, Y. Meng, Y. He, P. Ren, W. Guo,
Q. Peng,
Y. Yang, H. Jiao, Y. Li, X. Wen,
"From predicting to correlating the bonding properties of iron sulfide phases",
Computational Materials Science,(2019),
164, 99--107.
| [DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2019.04.001 ]
| [ online ]
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| [ResearchGate]
J. Yin, Y. He, X. Liu, X. Zhou, C. Huo, W. Guo,
Q. Peng,
Y. Yang, H. Jiao, Y. Li, X. Wen,
"Visiting CH4 formation and C1+C1 couplings to tune CH4 selectivity on Fe surfaces",
Journal of Catalysis,(2019),
372, 217--225.
| [DOI: 10.1016/j.jcat.2019.03.007 ]
| [ online ]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
| ( IF=6.759 )
W. Wang, C. He, L. Xie, and
Q. Peng*,
"The Temperature-Sensitive Anisotropic Negative Poisson's Ratio of Carbon Honeycomb",
| [DOI:]
| [ online (open access) ]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
A. Gaul,
Q. Peng,
D.J. Singh,
G. Ramanath,
T. Borca-Tasciuc,
"Divalent doping-induced thermoelectric power factor increase in p-type Bi2Te3 via electronic structure tuning",
Journal of Applied Physics,(2019),
125, 165101.
| [DOI: 10.1063/1.5081438]
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| (Editor-picked Featured Article)
| [ Featured on cover ]
Q. Qin, H. An, C. He, X. Lu,
Q. Peng*,
"Anisotropic and temperature dependent mechanical properties of carbon honeycomb",
| [DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/ab14a1]
| [ online ]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
G. Zhao, H. Deng, N. Tyree, M. Guy, A. Lisfi,
Q. Peng,
J. Yan, C. Wang, Y. Lan,
"Recent Progress on Irradiation-Induced Defect Engineering of Two-Dimensional 2H-MoS2 Few Layers",
Applied Sciences,(2019),
9, 678.
| [DOI: 10.3390/app9040678]
| [ online (open access) ]
| [local PDF]
L. Xie, H. An, C. He, Q. Qin,
Q. Peng*,
"Mechanical properties of vacancy tuned carbon honeycomb",
9, 156.
| [DOI: 10.3390/nano9020156]
| [ online (open access) ]
| [local PDF]
Q. Peng*,
N. Chen, D. Huang, E. Heller, D. Cardimona, F. Gao,
"First-principles assessment of the structure and stability of 15 intrinsic point defects in zinc-blende indium arsenide",
| [DOI: 10.3390/cryst9010048]
| [ online (open access) ]
| [local PDF]
H. Wang, Q. Cao,
Q. Peng*,
S. Liu,
"Atomistic Study of Mechanical behaviors of Carbon Honeycombs",
9, 109.
| [DOI: 10.3390/nano9010109]
| [ online (open access) ]
| [local PDF]
S. Liu, L. Xie,
Q. Peng*,
R. Li,
"Carbon Nanotubes Enhance the Radiation Resistance of bcc Iron Revealed by Atomistic Study",
12, 217.
| [DOI: 10.3390/ma12020217]
| [ online (open access) ]
| [local PDF]
D. Gu, X. Tao, H. Chen, Y. Ouyang, W. Zhu,
Q. Peng*,
Y. Du,
"Strain enhanced visible-ultraviolet absorption of blue phosphorene/MoX2 (X=S,Se) heterolayers",
Physica Status Solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters,(2019),
13, 1800659.
| [DOI: 10.1002/pssr.201800659]
| [ online ]
| [Researchgate PDF]
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Y. Ouyang, Z. Meng, X. Mo, H. Chen, X. Tao,
Q. Peng*,
Y. Du,
"Enhanced photocatalytic activity for water splitting of blue GeS and GeSe monolayers via biaxial strain",
11, 2335--2342.
| [DOI: 10.1039/C8NR08908F]
| [ online (open access)]
| [local PDF]
| ( IF=6.970 )
P. Wang, Q. Cao, Y. Yan, Y. Nie, S. Liu,
Q. Peng*,
"Graphene surface reinforcement of iron",
9, 59.
| [DOI: 10.3390/nano9010059]
| [ online (open access) ]
| [local PDF]
Q. Qin, W. He, L. Xie, J. Deng, X. Zhu,
Q. Peng*,
"Nonlinear diffusion, bonding, and mechanics of the interface between austenitic steel and iron",
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics ,(2019),
21, 1464.
| [DOI: 10.1039/C8CP07123C]
| [ online]
| [local PDF]
Y. Ouyang, Z. Meng, X. Mo, H. Chen, X. Tao,
Q. Peng*,
Y. Du,
"Codoping Er-N to suppress self-compensation donors for stable p-type zinc oxide",
Advanced Theory and Simulations,(2019),
| [DOI: 10.1016/adts.201800133]
| [ online (open access)]
| [local PDF]
Q. Peng*, F. Meng, Y. Yang, C. Lu, H. Deng, L. Wang, S. De, F. Gao,
"Shockwave generates <100> dislocation loops in bcc iron
Nature Communications,(2018),
9, 4880.
| [DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-07102-3]
| [ online (open access) ]
| [local PDF]
| [Featured on MRS Bulletin : "Simulation of shockwaves in steel reveals details on radiation-induced defects" ]
| [ PHYS.ORG news "A new lead on a 50-year-old radiation damage mystery" ]
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| [ MRS Bulletin News : "Simulation of shockwaves in steel reveals details on radiation-induced defects" ]
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| [ Howto cite this NC paper? Keywards "Iron, metal, dislocation, bcc, crystal, plasticity, shockwaves, irradiation, radiation magage, nuclear materials, structural materials, molecular dynamics, numerical modeling " ]
| ( IF=12.353 )
| [ Featured image ]
L. Xie, H. An,
Q. Peng*,
Q. Qin, Y. Zhang,
"Sensitive Five-Fold Local Symmetry to Kinetic Energy of Depositing Atoms in Cu-Zr Thin Film Growth",
11, 2548.
| [DOI: 10.3390/ma11122548]
| [ online (open access)]
| [local PDF]
S. Lei, Q. Cao, X. Geng, Y. Yang, S. Liu,
Q. Peng*,
"The Mechanical Properties of Defective Graphyne",
8, 465.
| [DOI: 10.3390/cryst8120465]
| [ online (open access)]
| [local PDF]
S. Zheng, Q. Cao, S. Liu,
Q. Peng*,
"Atomic Structure and Mechanical Properties of Twisted Bilayer Graphene",
Journal of Composites Science ,(2018),
3, 2.
| [DOI: 10.3390/jcs3010002]
| [ online (open access)]
| [local PDF]
K. Lu, Y. He, C. Huo, W. Guo,
Q. Peng*,
Y. Yang, Y. Li, X. Wen,
"Developing ReaxFF to Visit CO Adsorption and Dissociation on Iron Surfaces
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C,(2018),
122, 27582--27589.
| [DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b10427]
| [ online ]
| [researchgate PDF]
| [local PDF]
W. Wang, J. Wang, H. Yi, W. Qi,
Q. Peng,
"Effect of Molybdenum Additives on Corrosion Behavior of (CoCrFeNi) 100-x Mo x High-Entropy Alloys
20, 908.
| [DOI: 10.3390/e20120908]
| [ online (open access) ]
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| [local PDF]
L. Niu,
Q. Peng,
F. Gao, Z. Chen, Y. Zhang, G. Lu,
"Effects of interstitial defects on stress-driven grain boundary migration in bcc tungsten",
Jounral of Nuclear Materials,(2018),
512, 246--251.
| [DOI: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2018.10.014]
| [ online ]
| [local PDF]
N. Chen,
Q. Peng*,
Z. Jiao, I. van Rooyen, W. F. Skerjanc, F. Gao
"Ab initio study of the stability of intrinsic and extrinsic Ag point defects in 3C-SiC",
Journal of Nuclear Materials,(2018),
| [DOI: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2018.08.053]
| [ online ]
| [local PDF]
A. Liu,
Q. Peng*,
"A Molecular Dynamics study of the Mechanical Properties of Twisted Bilayer Graphene",
| [DOI:]
| [ online ]
| [local PDF]
W. Wang, H. Xie, X. Yang, J. Li,
Q. Peng*,
"Fabrication of ceramics/high-entropy alloys gradient composites by combustion synthesis in ultra-high gravity field",
Materials Letters,(2018),
| [DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2018.08.059]
| [ online ]
| [local PDF]
T. Yang, J. Feng, X. Liu, Y. Wang, H. Ge, D. Cao, H. Li,
Q. Peng,
M. Ramos, X. Wen, B. Shen,
C. Lu, T. Yang,
"A Combined Computational and Experimental Study of the Adsorption of Sulfur Containing Molecules on Molybdenum Disulfide Nanoparticles",
Journal of Materials Research,(2018),
| [DOI: 10.1557/jmr.2018.309]
| [ online ]
| [local PDF]
| [ResearchGate]
C. Lu, T. Yang,
K. Jin, G. Velisa, P. Xiu, M. Song,
Q. Peng,
F. Gao,
Y. Zhang, H. Bei, W. J. Weber, L. Wang,
"Enhanced void swelling in NiCoFeCrPd high-entropy alloy by indentation-induced dislocations",
Materials Research Letters,(2018),
6, 584--591.
| [DOI: 10.1080/21663831.2018.1504136]
| [ online ]
| [local PDF]
| (
Q. Peng,
"Strain-induced dimensional phase change of graphene-like boron nitride monolayers",
| [DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/aad2f8 ]
| [ online ]
| [local PDF]
C. Lu, T. Yang, L. Niu,
Q. Peng,
K. Jin, M. L. Crespillo, G. Velisa, H. Zue, F. Zhang, P. Xiu, Y. Zhang, F. Gao, H. Bei, W. J. Weber, L. Wang,
"Interstitial migration behavior and defect evolution in ion irradiated pure nickel and Ni-xFe binary alloys",
Journal of Nuclear Materials,(2018),
509, 237--244.
| [DOI: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2018.07.006 ]
| [ online ]
| [local PDF]
H. Huang, X. Tang, F. Chen, F. Gao,
Q. Peng,
L. Ji, X. Sun
"Self-healing mechanism of irradiation defects in nickel-graphene
nanocomposite: An energetic and kinetic perspective",
Journal of Alloys and Compounds,(2018),
765, 253--263.
| [DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.06.162 ]
| [ online ]
| [local PDF]
H. Zhu, T. Fan,
Q. Peng,
and D. Zhang,
"Giant Thermal Expansion in 2D and 3D Cellular Materials",
Advanced Materials,(2018),
30, 1705048.
| [DOI: 10.1002/adma.201705048 ]
| [ online ]
| [local PDF]
| (
K. Lu, C. Huo, Y. He, J. Yin, J. Liu,
Q. Peng*,
W. Guo, Y Yang, Y. Li, W. Wen,
"Grain Boundary Plays a Key Role in Carbon Diffusion in Carbon Irons Revealed by a ReaxFF Study",
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C ,(2018),
122, 13191--23199.
| [DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b07650]
| [online]
| [local PDF]
| ( IF=4.309 )
R. Li*, S. Wang, and
Q. Peng*,
"Tuning the slide-roll motion mode of carbon nanotubes via hydroxyl groups",
Nanoscale Research Letters,(2018),
13, 138.
| [DOI: 10.1186/s11671-018-2554-x ]
| [ online ]
| [local PDF]
Q. Cao, X. Geng,H. Wang, P. Wang, A. Liu, Y. Lan,
Q. Peng*,
"A Review of Current Development of Graphene Mechanics",
| [DOI: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2018.08.053]
| [ online ]
| [local PDF]
X. Tao, P. Yao, W. Wei, H. Chen, Y. F. Ouyang, Y. Du, Y. Yuan,
Q. Peng,
"An experimental study on the interdiffusion behaviors and mechanical properties of Ni-Zr system",
Journal of Alloys and Compounds,(2018),
752, 412--419.
| [DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.04.019 ]
| [ online ]
| [local PDF]
J. Jin,
P. Yang,
J. Cao,
S. Li,
Q. Peng*,
"Quasicontinuum simulation of the effect of lotus-type nanocavity on the onset plasticity of single crystal Al during nanoindentation",
8, 778.
| [DOI: 10.3390/nano8100778]
| [ online ]
| [local PDF]
Y. F. Ouyang, J. Wu, M. Zheng, H. Chen, X. Tao, Y. Du,
Q. Peng*,
"An interatomic potential for simulation of defects and phase change of zirconium
Computational Materials Science,(2018),
| [DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2018.01.049 ]
| [ online ]
| [local PDF]
L. Wang, J. Jin, J. Cao, P. Yang,
Q. Peng*,
"Interaction of Edge Dislocations with Graphene Nanosheets in Graphene/Fe Composites",
8, 160.
| [DOI: 10.3390/cryst8040160 ]
| [ online ]
| [local PDF]
Y. F. Ouyang, H. M. Chen, X. M. Tao, F. Gao,
Q. Peng*,
and Y. Du,
"A first-principles study of the structural, mechanical, and electronic properties of precipitates of Al2Cu in Al-Cu alloys
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,(2018),
20, 967--976.
| [DOI: 10.1039/C7CP06757G ]
| [ online ]
| [local PDF]
| (
K. Lu, C. Hou, W. Guo, X. Liu, Y. Zhou,
Q. Peng*,
Y. Yang, Y. Li, X. Wen,
"Development of a reactive force field for the Fe-C interaction to investigate the carburization of iron
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,(2018),
20, 775--783.
| [DOI: 10.1039/C7CP05958B]
| [online ]
| [local PDF]
| (
Q. Cao, J. Zhang, J. Du, H. Zhao, S. Liu,
Q. Peng*,
"Athermal repair of nanoscale defects in optical materials using a femtosecond laser
9, 17233--17240.
| [DOI: 10.1039/C7NR01599B]
| [online ]
| [local PDF]
| (IF=7.367)
| [ Featured on cover ]
A. Gaul,
Q. Peng*,
D.J. Singh,
G. Ramanath,
T. Borca-Tasciuc,
"Pressure-induced insulator-to-metal transitions for enhancing thermoelectric power factor in bismuth telluride-based alloys
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics ,(2017),
| [DOI: 10.1039/c7cp01371j]
| [online ]
| [local PDF]
| (
B. Deng, J. Hou, H. Zhu, S. Liu, L. Liu, Y. Shi, and
Q. Peng*,
"The normal-auxeticity mechanical phase transition in graphene
2D Materials,(2017),
| [DOI: 10.1088/2053-1583/aa61e5]
| [online (OPEN access) ]
| [ reported in Sina News ]
| [ AcaBridge News ]
| [local PDF]
| (IF=7.343 )
Q. Peng*,
X. Sun, H. Wang, Y. Yang, X. Wen, C. Huang, S. Liu, and S. De,
"Theoretical prediction of a graphene-like structure of Indium Nitride: a promising excellent material for optoelectronics
Applied Materials Today,(2017),
| [DOI: 10.1016/j.apmt.2017.03.001
| [online (open)]
| [local PDF]
| (
D. Cao, H. Li,. H. Ge, M. Ramos,
Q. Peng,
A. Dearden,
Z. Cao,
Y. Yang,
Y. Li,
X. Wen,
"Insight into Structure and Energy of Mo27SxOy clusters
RSC Advances,(2017),
| [DOI: 10.1039/c6ra26264c]
| [online (open)]
| [local PDF]
G. Wang,
G. R. Liu,
Q. Peng,
S. De,
"A SPH implementation with ignition and growth and afterburning models for aluminized explosives",
International Journal of Computational Methods,(2017),
| [DOI:10.1142/S0219876217500463 ]
| [online]
| [local PDF]
Y. Ouyang, Y. Xie, Z. Zhang,
Q. Peng*,
and Y. Chen*,
"Very high thermoelectric figure of merit found in hybrid transition-metal-dichalcogenides",
Journal of Applied Physics,(2016),
120, 235109.
| [DOI: 10.1063/1.4972831]
| [online]
| [local PDF]
L. Zheng, X. Liu, Y. Meng, Y. Zhou, W. Guo,
Q. Peng,
Y. Yang, H. Jiao, Y. Li, and X. Wen,
"How far away are the iron carbide clusters from the bulks?",
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,(2016),
| [DOI: 10.1039/C6CP06224E]
| [online]
| [local PDF]
| (
S. Ye, Q. Cao, Q. Wang, T. Wang,
Q. Peng*,
"A highly efficient, stable, durable, and recyclable filter fabricated by femtosecond laser drilling of a titanium foil for oil-water",
Scientific Reports,(2016),
| [DOI: 10.1038/srep37591]
| [online]
| [local PDF]
| (
Z. Zhang,
Y. Xie,
Q. Peng,
Y. Chen,
"Phonon transport in single-layer boron nanoribbons
| [DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/27/44/445703]
| [online]
| [local PDF]
| ( IF=3.573 )
Y. Meng,
X.W. Liu,
C.F. Hou,
W.P. Guo,
D.B. Cao,
Q. Peng,
A. Dearden,
X. Gonze,
Y. Yang,
J. Wang,
H. Jiao,
Y. Li,
X. Wen,
"When Density Functional Approximations Meet Iron Oxides",
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation,(2016),
12, 5132--5144.
| [DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.6b00640]
| [online]
| [local PDF]
| (
| (
ACS Editors' Choice
Q. Peng*,
W. Ji,
J. Lian,
F. Gao,
S. Peng,
H. Huang,
and S. De,
"A first-principles study of the avalanche pressure of alpha zirconium",
RSC Advances,(2016),
6, 72551--72558.
| [DOI: 10.1039/C6RA13752K]
| [online]
| [local PDF]
X. Liu,
S. Zhao,
Y. Meng,
Q. Peng,
A. Dearden,
C. Huo,
Y. Yang,
Y. Li,
X. Wen,
"Mossbauer Spectroscopy of Iron Carbides: From Prediction to Experimental Confirmation
Scientific Reports,(2016),
6, 26184.
| [DOI: 10.1038/srep26184]
| [local PDF]
| (
Y. Ding,
Q. Peng,
L. Gan, R. Wu, X. Ou, Q. Zhang, and Z. Luo,
"Stacking-Mode-Induced Reactivity Enhancement for Twisted Bilayer Graphene",
Chemistry of Materials,(2016),
28, 1034--1039.
| [DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b04002]
| [online]
| [local PDF]
| (
Z. Zhang,
Y. Xie,
Q. Peng,
Y. Chen,
"A theoretical prediction of super high-performance thermoelectric materials based on MoS2/WS2 hybrid nanoribbons
Scientific Reports,(2016),
6, 21639.
| [DOI: 10.1038/srep21639]
| [online]
| [local PDF]
| (
W. Wang,
Q. Peng,
Y. Dai,
Z. Qian,
S. Liu,
"Distinctive nanofriction of graphene coated copper foil
Computational Materials Science,(2016),
117, 406--411.
| [DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2016.01.007]
| [online]
| [local PDF]
W. Wang,
Q. Peng,
Y. Dai,
Z. Qian,
S. Liu,
"Temperature dependence of Raman spectra of graphene on copper foil substrate",
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics,(2016),
| [DOI: 10.1007/s10854-015-4238-y]
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Y. Dai,
S. Li,
Q. Sun,
Q. Peng,
C. Gui,
Y. Zhou,
S. Liu,
"Properties of AlN film grown on Si (111) ",
Journal of Crystal Growth,(2016),
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Y. Dai,
W. Wang,
C. Gui,
X. Wen,
Q. Peng,
S. Liu,
"A first-principles study of the mechanical properties of AlN with Raman verification",
Computational Materials Science,(2016),
112, 342--346.
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Y. Dai,
S. Li,
H. Gao,
W. Wang,
Q. Sun,
Q. Peng,
C. Gui,
Z. Qian,
S. Liu,
"Stress evolution in AlN and GaN grown on Si (111): experiments and theoretical modeling",
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics,(2016),
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Z. Zhang,
Y. Xie,
Q. Peng,
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"Thermal transport in MoS2/Graphene hybrid nanosheets
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| [DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/26/37/375402]
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Q. Peng*,
L. Han,
J. Lian,
X. Wen,
S. Liu,
Z. Chen,
N. Koratkar,
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"Mechanical Degradation of Graphene by Epoxidation: Insight from First-principles Calculations
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G. Wang *,
Q. Peng*,
G. R. Liu,
S. De,
"Microscopic study of Equation of State of beta-HMX using reactive molecular dynamics simulations",
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Q. Peng*,
G. Wang,
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"Predicting Elastic Properties of beta-HMX from First-principles calculations
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B,(2015),
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Z. Zhang,
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Q. Peng,
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"Geometry, stability and thermal transport of hydrogenated graphene nanoquilts
Solid State Communications,(2015), 213-214, 31--36.
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Q. Peng*,
A. K. Dearden,
X. Chen,
C. Huang,
X. Wen,
and S. De,
"Peculiar pressure effect on Poisson ratio of graphone as a strain damper
Nanoscale,(2015), 7, 9975--9979.
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Q. Peng*, Z. Chen and S. De,
"A density functional theory study of the mechanical properties of graphane with van der Waals corrections",
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures,(2015), 22, 717--721.
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Q. Peng*,
L. Han, X. Wen,
S. Liu,
Z. Chen,
J. Lian,
and S. De,
Mechanical properties and stabilities of g-ZnS monolayers
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Q. Peng*,
L. Han, X. Wen,
S. Liu,
Z. Chen,
J. Lian,
and S. De,
"Mechanical properties and stabilities of alpha-Boron monolayers
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,
(2015), 17, 2160--2168.
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| (
G. Wang, G.R. Liu, Q. Peng, S. De, D.L. Feng, M.B. Liu,
"A 3D smoothed particle hydrodynamics method with reactive flow model for the simulation of ANFO",
Propellants Explosives Pyrotechnics,(2015), 40, 566--575.
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Q. Peng*
and S. De,
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Nanoscale,(2014), 6, 12071--12079.
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| (
Q. Peng*,
Rahul, G. Wang, G.R. Liu, and S. De,
"Structures, Mechanical Properties, Equations of State, and Electronic
Properties of β-HMX under Hydrostatic Pressures: A DFT-D2 study",
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| (
Q. Peng*,
W. Ji, J. Lian, X. Chen, H. Huang, F. Gao, and S. De,
"Pressure effect on stabilities of self-Interstitials in HCP-Zirconium",
Scientific Reports, (2014), 4, 5735.
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| (
Q. Peng*, A. Dearden, J. Crean, L. Han, S. Liu, X. Wen, and S. De,
"New materials graphyne, graphdiyne, graphone, and graphane: review of properties, synthesis, and application in nanotechnology",
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C. Huang, F. Libisch, Q. Peng, and E. A. Carter,
"Time-dependent potential-functional embedding theory",
The Journal of Chemical Physics,(2014), 140, 124113.
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Q. Peng* and S. De, "Mechanical properties and instabilities of ordered graphene oxide C6O monolayers",
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Q. Peng* and S. De, "Outstanding mechanical properties of monolayer MoS2 and its application in elastic energy storage",
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| [DOI:10.1039/C3CP52879K]
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| (
Y. Sun, Q. Peng, and G. Lu, "Quantum mechanical modeling of hydrogen assisted cracking in aluminum",
Physical Review B, (2013), 88, 104109.
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Q. Peng*, C. Liang, W. Ji and S. De,
"Mechanical Properties of g-GaN: A First Principles Study",
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Q. Peng*, J. Crean, A. Dearden, C. Huang, X. Wen, S. P. A. Bordas, and S. De,
Modern Physics Letters B, (2013), 27, 1330017.
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Q. Peng*, X. Chen, W. Ji and S. De, "Chemically Tuning Mechanics of Graphene by BN",
Advanced Engineering Materials,
(2013), 15, 718--727.
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Q. Peng*, X. Wen, and S. De,
"Mechanical stabilities of silicene",
RSC Advances, (2013), 3, 13772--13781.
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Q. Peng*, C. Liang, W. Ji, and S. De,
"A First-principles Study of the Mechanical Properties of g-GeC",
Mechanics of Materials, (2013), 64, 135--141.
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Q. Peng*, X. Chen, S. Liu, and S. De,
"Mechanical Stabilities and Properties of Graphene-like Aluminum Nitride Predicted from First-principles Calculations",
RSC Advances, (2013), 3, 7083--7092.
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Q. Peng*, W. Ji, H. Huang and S. De,
"Axial Ratio Dependence of the Stability of Self-Interstitials in HCP Structures",
Journal of Nuclear Materials, (2013), 437, 293--296.
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Q. Peng*, C. Liang, W. Ji, and S. De,
"A Theoretical Analysis of the Effect of the Hydrogenation of Graphene to Graphane on Its Mechanical Properties",
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,
15, 2003--2011.
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| (
Q. Peng*, W. Ji, and S. De,
"First-Principles study of the Effects of Mechanical Strains on the Radiation Hardness of Hexagonal Boron Nitride Monolayers",
| [DOI:10.1039/C2NR32366D]
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| (
Q. Peng*, C. Liang, W. Ji and S. De,
"A First Principles Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of g-ZnO: the Graphene-like Hexagonal Zinc Oxide Monolayer",
Computational Materials Science,
68, 320--324.
| [DOI:10.1016/j.commatsci.2012.10.019]
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Q. Peng*, C. Liang, W. Ji and S. De,
"A First Principles Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of g-TlN",
Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Material Science,
(2012), 2, 76--84.
| [DOI:10.4236/mnsms.2012.24009]
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Q. Peng*, A. Zamiri, W. Ji and S. De,
"Elastic Properties of Hybrid Graphene/Boron Nitride Monolayer",
Acta Mechanica,(2012), 223, 2591--2596.
| [DOI:10.1007/s00707-012-0714-0]
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Q. Peng*, W. Ji and S. De,
"Mechanical properties of graphyne monolayers: a first-principles study",
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, (2012),
14, 13385-13391.
| [DOI:10.1039/C2CP42387A]
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| (
Q. Peng*, W. Ji, H. Huang and S. De,
"Stability of self-interstitial atoms in hcp-Zr",
Journal of Nuclear Materials, (2012),
429, 233--236.
| [DOI:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2012.06.010]
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Q. Peng*, W. Ji and S. De,
"Mechanical Properties of the Hexagonal Boron Nitride Monolayer: ab initio Study",
Computational Materials Science, (2012), 56, 11--17.
| [DOI:10.1016/j.commatsci.2011.12.029]
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Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, (2012), 44, 1662--1666.
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Q. Peng* and R. E. Cohen, "Origin of Pyroelectricity in LiNbO3",
Physical Review B, (2011), 83, 220103(R).
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Q. Peng* and G. Lu,
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X. Zhang, Q. Peng and G. Lu,
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18, 055009.
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Q. Peng*, X. Zhang, and G. Lu,
"Quantum mechanical simulations of nanoindentation of Al thin film",
Computational Materials Science, (2010), 47, 769.
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B: Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings (full paper)
(Subtotle: 6)
N. Chen,
Q. Peng
,Z. Jiao, I. van Rooyen, W. Skerjanc, F. Gao,
"Fission Product Transport in TRISO Fuel: A Computational Study",
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, (2018), 119,407 - 410.
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| [ResearchGate]
G. Wang, G. R. Liu, Q. Peng, and S. De,
"A micro-macro coupling approach of MD-SPH method for reactive energetic materials",
19th Biennial Conference on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter (SCCM-2015),
Location: Tampa, FL, USA, 2015;
AIP Conference Proceedings, (2017), 1793, 050006.
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Q. Peng* and S. De,
"A first-principles investigation of the equation of
states and molecular 'weak spots' of beta-cyclotetramethylene tetranitramine (HMX)
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G. Lu, Q. Peng, X. Zhang, L. Hung, E. A. Carter,
"Quantum Simulation of Materials at Micron Scales and Beyond
Oberwolfach Reports, (2008), 5, 1117.
| [DOI:10.4171/OWR/2008/21]
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C. Roychoudhuri, N. S. Prasad and Q. Peng, "Can the hypothesis ‘photon interferes only with itself’ be
reconciled with superposition of light from multiple beams or sources?",
Proc. of SPIE, (2007), 6664, 66640S1.
| [DOI:10.1117/12.734363]
| [online]
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C: Book Chapters
(Subtotle: 2)
Q. Peng*, and S. De,
"Mechanical stabilities and properties of graphene, and its modification by BN predicted from first-principles calculations",
Chapter 5 in book "Graphene Science Handbook", Vol 4 "Mechanical and Chemical Properties".
Edited by Mahmood Aliofkhazraei, Nasar Ali, William I. Milne, Cengiz S. Ozkan, Stanislaw Mitura, and Juana L. Gervasoni
CRC Press 2016,
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-9123-3,
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4665-9124-0,
| [on line]
| [local PDF]
Q. Peng*,"First-Principles Quantum Simulations", Chapter 1 in book "Nanoindentation in Materials Science",
edited by Jiri Nemecek. (2012) InTech, ISBN 980-953-307-282-6.
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Ph.D. Dissertation
Title: "Localization of Plastic Shear Events in Glassy Materials"
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dissertation (PDF)]
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MS Thesis
Title: "A Study of the Flow of Dense Suspension on Inhomogeneous Surfaces"
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